Vegan Saddle Shoes and Some Awesome Saddle Shoe Style Inspiration

Maya Villiger-Karyna
Forgot if I wrote about these before, but I recently bought a pair of saddle shoes from payless for $24 that I love.

Do you DARE to wear saddle shoes?

They could be seen as very Lolita-esque. But I think they are so cool and remind me of this whole thing I wrote about…Take Ivy style, 1940s and 50s style, prep school, cheerleaders, Vassar, and other cool things…in theory haha! In reality I went to a prep school and hated it.

Well, while google imaging Saddle Shoes for some style inspiration, I found an enormous amount of cool saddle shoe style inspiration. Now I am sold. The saddle shoe is a totally classic shoe, the sister of my beloved pennyloafer, according to the blog Take Ivy.

Here are some great photos to keep in mind if you chose to purchase a pair of saddle shoes:

on the cover of life magazine 1937!!

Rory from Gilmore Girls (my favorite tv show)

no wonder they make me think of Lolita. HA they were on the cover of my copy of Lolita.

seen on cheerleaders throughout the ages

70s ones

and 50s ones

seen on hip bloggers

and supermodel types

seen on hipster musicians

seen on schoolgirls throught the ages

seen in the most amazing australian fashion line LOVER THE LABEL’s models (the girls above)

on a girl from Vassar in the book Take Ivy

And last but not least, here are the vegan saddle shoes you can buy from payless for $ 24

Your thoughts on saddle shoes, my dears???

8 thoughts on “Vegan Saddle Shoes and Some Awesome Saddle Shoe Style Inspiration

  1. One of the earliest reminders to me at an early age over 60 years ago. The word “Unesex”, not known to me at the time, but wanted a pair of saddle shoes when I found out boys could wear them too. Didn’t actually buy my first pair until I was 21, wih money from my first civilian paycheck, just after I got out of service. Have had a pair or 16 since then, and worn them for over 40 some years now

    • I love this story. I would love to see guys wearing more saddle shoes. a great look! Thanks for commenting, I love to hear stories like this.

  2. I bought my first pair of saddle shoes three years ago at age 55,I now own 3 pairs of Johnson Murphy and 5 pairs of Bass saddle shoes and I really love the way they look with my jeans and kakis

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