Fabulous Vegan Faux Leather Jackets and What to Wear to Be a Bad Girl

Ain't Playin' Games Jacket


Ain’t Playin’ Games Jacket

“buttery, black faux leather”


The Best Deception Jacket

The Best Deception Jacket

The Best Deception Jacket



“vegan friendly materials”

Currently out of stock but you can sign up to be alerted when it comes back in like I am.

Modcloth.com has some pretty awesome stuff, and I am a huge fan of so many things about their company– their blog, how much they interact with and love fashion blogs, how they like vintage fashions and their creative approach to fashion, how they at least make an effort to identify “vegan friendly” fashions, how easy their site is to use… I could go on and on.

These are two pretty cool leather jackets they have for sale right now. I love the one with the grey hoodie. I like how these fake leather jackets can give you that tough, Grease lightning look.

I used to be a daily reader of Molly Young’s blog Magicmolly.tumblr.com which it seems she has recently deleted!! no!

I saved one post in my googlereader though that captures the essence of a leather jacket that needs to be reblogged here:

How to be  a Bad Girl

Leather jacket, crucifix earring, backward baseball cap

lol. It’s probably somehow tongue in cheek but I like the picture. If only I could find a clip-on crucifix earing (no pierced ears) to wear with my FAUX leather jacket, I guess I would truly be a Badass!

Till next time.

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you know you love me

gossip girl

Stylish Vegan Victorian-esque Rain Booties


Loeffler Randall rain booties


Loeffler Randal Rain boots. I would like some. In NYC they are actually very necessary because puddles can collect in the street that are deceptively deep. These are very cool looking. I found them via this vegan shoe blog run by a very likable seeming blogger. They appear to be all rubber, $165 , and can be bought at Barneys if you live in NYC or buy them online at zappos here. They also come in an army like green.

I like clothes that have a bit of a costume-y aspect to them. These remind me of a Bronte playing with her sisters on the heath or the moors.

Haworth: the Bronte Family Home. I love that graveyard in front of it! Spooky.

A picture of the Yorkshire moors like where the Brontes lived.

The First Vegan Shoe Company


an ad from Zero Two


I just read a very interesting article about the first company–now long gone–to make vegan shoes in the 90s. They were called Zero Two’s , were marketed as a skate shoe, and had a very controversial advertising campaign–the first one said “thanks for not killing me” with a picture of a cow, and others were more graphic. They really seemed to be the first people to raise awareness that shoes come from cows (mostly). Read the rest of the very interesting article here on the blog of a line of shoes called The Vegan Collection.